Children’s Types: 56 Homeopathic Constitutional Remedies by FRANS KUSSE MD [#KUSCHI]


Dr. Frans Kusse


This book is WORTHY of the attention of homeopaths AND parents. This book describes various homeopathic typologies in a clear and user-friendly fashion.

Dr. Frans Kusse is a well-respected Dutch homeopathic physician who has an endearingly positive style of writing. When reading about Stramonium, for example, homeopaths and parents are able to get a clear picture of the typical Stramonium symptoms without getting the feeling that their child must be a demon to be needing this remedy. Although we may imagine that we already know many of these remedies, there is always something new to discover in these fresh and vivid portraits. The book covers many of the newer remedies such as Beryllium, Lithium, Manganese, Helium, Hydrogen, and Saccharum officinale, which are frequently indicated for children but which have so far only been described for adults or scattered through the specialist homeopathic journals.

“This outstanding and much-needed book fills a major gap in the homeopathic literature on children. It provides insights into nearly 60 remedies which Frans Kusse has found to be most useful for children. Based on a solid foundation in classical homeopathy and Dr. Kusse’s own extensive clinical experience, it also incorporates Scholten’s cutting-edge work with the Periodic Table. It is the first book in English to introduce Scholten’s groundbreaking work to the general public. Written in a conversational style, it invites parents to discover their children’s type and to explore the many ways that homeopathy can help their child. For homeopathic practitioners and students, it explains how remedies well known in their adult “portraits” will manifest in children (not always easy to determine from the existing literature). Finally, it introduces some newer remedies that the author has found to be as useful as polychrests for children, such as Beryllium, Saccharum, and Lithium phos. The photos illustrating the children’s types are a stunning addition.”
— Begabati Lennihan, RN, CCH, Director, Teleosis School of Homeopathy


Table of Contents
Publisher’s Foreword 7
Homeopathy for Children 8
The Aconitum napellus Child 12
The Agaricus muscarius Child 16
The Alumina Child 20
The Ammonium carbonicum Child 24
The Anacardium Child 27
The Antimonium crudum Child 31
The Apis mellifica Child 35
The Argentum nitricum Child 38
Argentum nitricum in the Clinic 42
The Arnica montana Child 43
The Arsenicum album Child 47
The Aurum metallicum Child 52
The Barium carbonicum Child 55
Barium carbonicum in the Clinic 59
The Belladonna Child 61
Belladonna in the Clinic 66
The Beryllium metallicum Child 67
The Borax veneta Child 70
The Calcarea carbonica Child 74
Calcarea carbonica in the Clinic 79
The Calcarea phosphorica Child 80
The Calcarea silicata Child 84
The Calcarea sulfurica Child 87
The Carcinosinum Child 91
The Causticum Child 95
The Chamomilla Child 99
The Cina Child 103
The Cuprum Child 107
The Ferrum metallicum Child 110
The Graphites Child 113
The Helium Child 118
The Hydrogenium Child 121
The Hyoscyamus niger Child 124
The Ignatia Child 128
The Kalium carbonicum Child 132
The Lac caninum Child 137

The Lachesis Child 140
The Lithium metallicum Child 144
The Lithium phosphoricum Child 147
The Lycopodium Child 150
The Magnesium carbonicum Child 155
The Magnesium muriaticum Child 158
The Magnesium phosphoricum Child 160
The Manganum metallicum Child 162
The Medorrhinum Child 165
Medorrhinum in the Clinic 169
The Mercurius Child 171
The Natrium carbonicum Child 175
The Natrium muriaticum Child 178
Natrium muriaticum in the Clinic 182
The Nux vomica Child 183
Nux vomica in the Clinic 188
The Opium Child 189
The Phosphorus Child 193
Phosphorus in the Clinic 197
The Pulsatilla Child 198
Pulsatilla in the Clinic 202
The Saccharum officinale Child 203
The Sepia Child 206
The Silicium Child 209
Silicium in the Clinic 213
The Staphisagria Child 214
The Stramonium Child 217
Stramonium in the Clinic 220
The Sulfur Child 221
Sulfur in the Clinic 225
The Thuja occidentalis Child 227
The Tuberculinum Child 231
Tuberculinum in the Clinic 236
Restless Children in the Clinic 237
Ear and Eye Complaints in Children 241
Skin Complaints in the Clinic 243
Index 245


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