Conscientious Objector: Why I Became a Homeopath — Richard Moskowitz, MD [#MOSCON]


This book is a retrospective of my 53 years as a family doctor.

Then it carefully examines three main subjects and areas of interest that took shape in response to them, namely,

1) the theory and practice of homeopathic medicine, my principal form of treatment for 46 years;

2) the orthodox medical system I was trained in, my questions about which led me to study philosophy before interning and going into practice; and

3) the concept of vaccination, which my experience with vaccine-injured children revealed to be a major cause of chronic disease, one almost entirely ignored by doctors and unseen or overlooked by the general public.


This book has just arrived (June, 2024)!


Those of us active in women’s health already know about Dr. Moskowitz’ success in treating problems of the female reproductive cycle.  In this marvelous memoir, he reflects on 50+ years of family doctoring and his whole-person approach to medicine. He faces the difficulties of homeopathy alongside its benefits, explores the mind-body dimension in healing, and advances sound reasons for questioning authority, respecting our intuition, and upholding qualitative, human values in our decision-making.

Judy Norsigian, Co-Founder, former Executive Director, and Co-Author, Our Bodies, Ourselves


What is remarkable about Dr. Moskowitz is his compassion and sensitivity to others’ needs.  His book is full of stories ranging from tragic to comic, and of moral choices like prolonging life or letting people die with dignity.  There are beautiful stories of his first home birth, and of the healing power of homeopathic medicines, which he used for decades. And there’s his plea for a science that can see and make use of what randomized control trials overlook. We should all be so lucky as to have a GP like him!
Bernardo Merizalde, MD, ABIHM, Professor, Thomas Jefferson University, Vice-President, International League of Homeopathic Physicians


This lovely book will strike a chord with many doctors who are troubled by our medical system.  Richard’s questions and doubts made him look deeper, attending home births to empower his patients, and practicing homeopathy as a gentler method of healing them.  Based on that experience, and the science to back it up, he examines vaccination and other standard practices of our profession. Writing with intelligence and integrity, he should be read far and wide, and taken to heart.

 Cammy Benton, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP, Functional and Integrative Medicine


Richard’s new book begins with a memoir of his training and early years in practice that warms the soul, with stories of home birth that brought tears to my eyes. He celebrates homeopathy with lovely case histories, and fits it into the fabric of the larger medical system, exposing the dark side of vaccination, and tying it all together as an integrated whole. There’s much to learn here from his long experience. His message couldn’t be more timely, his vision clearer, or his writing more delightful.

Ronald Whitmont, MD, ABIM, ABIHM, Professor, New York Medical College, Past President, American Institute of Homeopathy


294 pages


Table of Contents

 Introduction (a free sample of the Introduction is BELOW!)

Part I.  Early Years

Chapter 1.  Med School and Internship

Chapter 2.  On My Own

Chapter 3.  Opening an Office

Part II.  Homeopathic Medicine

         Chapter 4.  Basic Principles

Chapter 5.  Medicines and Cases

Part III. The Medical System

Chapter 6.  Diagnosis and Treatment

Chapter 7.  Healing the System

Part IV.  Vaccination

Chapter  8.  The Vaccination Process

Chapter  9.  Safety and Efficacy

Chapter 10. The Chronic State

Part V.  Summing Up

Chapter 11. Plain Doctoring





Written since my retirement in 2020, this book is a retrospective of my 53 years as a family doctor. It begins with a memoir of my background, training, and early years in practice, full of questions, doubts, and scruples. Then it carefully examines three main subjects and areas of interest that took shape in response to them, namely,

1) the theory and practice of homeopathic medicine, my principal form of treatment for 46 years;

2) the orthodox medical system I was trained in, my questions about which led me to study philosophy before interning and going into practice; and

3) the concept of vaccination, which my experience with vaccine-injured children revealed to be a major cause of chronic disease, one almost entirely ignored by doctors and unseen or overlooked by the general public.

A brief concluding chapter outlines the common themes running through these various elements and phases of my personal story.

At first, the book will probably attract health professionals and laypeople with experience of or curiosity about midwifery, pediatrics, homeopathy, and various forms of natural medicine, many of whom already face similar dilemmas. But its main focus is the more broadly philosophical aim of thinking clearly, systematically, and accurately about health, illness, and doctoring in general, matters of practical concern to everyone; so it also seeks open-minded readers of every description. With that wider audience in mind, I’ve tried as much as possible to keep it within the frame of my own experience as the primary source for what I’ve learned, illustrating with my own cases, and disclaiming any pretense to irrefutable truth or final answers in the opinions, hypotheses, and speculations expressed here, for which I take full responsibility.



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