By Dana Ullman MPH, CCH


(Excepted from Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants, Tarcher/Putnam)

To purchase INDIVIDUAL homeopathic remedies, you will need to call us at 510-649-0294.  We represent several leading American, British, and European homeopathic pharmacies.  Please let us know if you prefer your remedies from Hahnemann Labs, Helios, Boiron, or Standard.  Please let us know which potency or size of bottle you want (we generally recommend 6C or 30C for those people who are relatively new to homeopathy)…and you’ll need to let us know whether you want pills/pellets or a “liquid dilution” (please know that only select homeopathic pharmacies sell liquid dilutions).  We can help you make some of these determinations on the phone, though we cannot provide advice on which remedy to get, unless you wish to pay for a short or long consultation with our owner, Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH.  We will do all we can to serve you.




The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to most people with diarrhea.


Aconitum: Useful at the beginning stages of mumps, these children have a sudden onset of fever, restlessness, anxiety, and great thirst.

BELLADONNA: These children have a noticeably flushed face and throbbing headache. They have swollen glands that are hot to touch. They are drowsy but have difficulty sleeping.

Mercurius: Right-sided swelling of throat glands typify children who will benefit from this medicine. They also have profuse and offensive salivation and perspiration.

PHYTOLACCA: When children with mumps have stony hard throat glands, especially on the right side, this medicine should be considered. The throat pains may extend to the ear, and they may have an irresistable desire to bite their teeth together. One of their characteristic symptoms is pain from sticking og out their tongue. They tend to be worse in cold or wet weather.

PILOCARPINUM: Some homeopaths assert that this medicine is the best remedy for the mumps, although there are few known distinguishing symptoms that it offers, except excessive salivation and perspiration. This is also a good remedy for complications that some children get from the mumps.

Pulsatilla: This medicine is helpful in children approaching puberty who get the mumps and experience swollen breasts or testicles. They are thirstless, despite having a fever, and they are sensitive to warm rooms.

Rhus tox: These children have swollen glands which are worse on the left side. Their symptoms are aggravated by cold, and they may have cold sores on their lips.