By Dana Ullman MPH, CCH
(Excepted from Consumer’s Guide to Homeopathy, Tarcher/Putnam)
The cost of homeopathic care varies considerably from one homeopath to another. Generally, medical doctors who practice homeopathy charge more than non-M.D.s, and the longer the practitioner has been practicing, the higher the fees tend to be.
The first visit to a homeopath usually lasts from 60 to 120 minutes. When seeking the care of an M.D. homeopath, you will find the fees for this visit comparable with other physician specialists, ranging from $250.00 to $800.00. Other homeopaths charge from $150.00 to $500.00. Follow-up visits last between 15 and 45 minutes. it is common for various homeopaths to charge from $50.00 to $250.00.
While fees for homeopathic care by homeopathic M.D.s may sometimes be similar to conventional physicians’, the amount of time that homeopaths spend with their patients tends to be significantly longer. Homeopathic physicians earn good incomes, though generally not as high as the average medical doctor.
The actual cost of the medicine itself is negligible. If only one medicine is prescribed (as is most common), it costs between $10.00 and $35.00. Some homeopaths provide whatever they prescribe without charge for in-office visits.
The costs of homeopathic care, like the costs of all medical care, are high, but the costs of illness, especially chronic illness, are even higher. Some people may be tempted to treat themselves and avoid professional homeopaths, but such decisions can be more costly in the long-run because it is highly unlikely that this care will be effective.
When one considers that homeopaths typically discourage frequent visits unless they are medically necessary, and that the time between visits ranges from one to six months, the yearly cost of homeopathic care is considerably less than conventional medical care as well as most types of alternative medicine. This does not even take into account the further cost savings that accrue from the ability of homeopathic medicines to strengthen one’s immune system and prevent future costly diseases.
While medically trained homeopaths will recommend laboratory analysis when indicated, they rarely need to run such tests to determine the appropriate homeopathic medicine. Because of this, they tend to perform laboratory tests significantly less frequently than do conventional physicians,1 further reducing costs. The absence of side effects from homeopathic medicines also reduce the cost of care, since side effects usually lead to the need for more medical treatment.
The French government compared all the costs associated with treatment from a homeopathic physician with that of a conventional physician and discovered that homeopathic care costs one half as much.2 Considering the growing concern about the cost of health care, let alone the concerns about the efficacy of therapies, homeopathic medicine again seems to provide significant advantages.
1Jennifer Jacobs, Presentation at Annual Conference of the National Center for Homeopathy, 1993, Alexandria, VA. (paper updated and recently submitted to a professional public health journal).
2Statistical Studies, CNAM (France’s Health Care Insurance Agency), January 1991.
Totally agree with you.
I’m also a homeopath and my initial visit lasts for 90 minutes including iridology testing and DiaCom. Most of the homeopaths charge for the initial visit between $150 and $350 depending on the geographical area. For example, Dr. Prociuk’s fee in Chester county is $295 per hour, while at the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic in Northeast Philly we charge $200 for the 90 minutes, and Dr. Vaishali Bhide in New Brownswik charges $100 per initial visit including the cost of remedies. I’m not sure how this practitioner can afford it especially after the prices for homeopathic remedies significantly went up in 2020. Boiron, for example, raised its prices for almost 30%.
Anyways Dr. Ullman, thanks for your help to the population to better understand homeopathy as a treatment method and as a since. Feel free to post on my site
Thanks Dana! I’m in Melbourne Australia but practising online via Zoom these days. A silver lining with all the restrictions (Melbourne has excelled at that!). I’m now able to see people not only across town and interstate, but overseas. Had a big wake up call when I found those I provided mentoring to, were charging double. Trying to be fair to those with chronic and complex conditions, as well as fair to myself with the extra time and effort these people require, and my continuing post grad studies, never ending researching. We are after all, a last resort for many, after they have already been drained dry by Drs and specialists and to no avail. Australia did away with (negligible anyway) health fund rebates for most natural therapies, but I find people are more concerned with getting some understanding, enough time to thrash out their issues (not the 5 minute Dr appointment!), and speaking with someone who has some experience in what they are going through. Not just via formal studies, but personal experience. And, with some great results. Of course, we have 10k and counting homeopathic remedies, and it’s a never ending learning by doing process… BUT we do get results often in that first visit. Sometimes the ideal – one remedy, one, dose, long lasting resolution. Much more often though, it’s a series of layers and remedies (me!). Overall, compare the investment with all the specialists and tests which lead to “We don’t know. We have nothing satisfactory for this.” Better still, in my own case “You are on the right track. Keep doing what you’re doing (homeopathy). We have NOTHING”. Cheers to you Dana, for your continuing efforts in educating everyone about homeopathy, as well as you do. Champion!
Many people come to us as a last resort after being tried and tested by doctors and experts without success. Australia eliminated health fund rebates for most natural therapies, which were negligible anyway. However, I’ve found that people are more concerned with having someone who understands what they’re going through, having enough time to work through their problems (rather than a five-minute visit with a doctor), and receiving some understanding.