By Dana Ullman MPH, CCH

The following books are presently some of the most popular books in the field becaue they are written by highly respected homeopaths and because they are providing new insights on how to find the best remedy for people.

Synergy  in Homeopathy, by Rajan Sankaran (This is Sankaran’s newest treatise, and he shows that his “sensation” method can also be confirmed via classical homeopathy.  Sankarna creates a compelling case for using his “sensation method” as an alternative and complementary method of prescribing.)

Insight into Plants, by Rajan Sankaran (This 2-volume set is a great set of books…and he later added a third volume…about plant families and the 10 leading miasms!)

The Substance of Homeopathy, by Rajan Sankaran (This is Sankaran’s book on the mineral remedies.)

Sensations in Homeopathy by Rajan Sankaran (Sankaran continues to explore new dimensions and new strategies for finding the most deep-acting medicines. Many of America’s and Europe’s leading homeopaths are his students and have been impressed with the results of using his methods.

Sensation Refined, by Rajan Sankaran (Sankaran explands his thinking on the “sensation method.”)

Survival: The Reptiles by Rajan Sankaran.  Learn the place for this important group of medicines from the reptile family.

Homeopathy and Minerals, by Jan Scholten, MD (This book describes the leading mineral families and the various medicines in which two or more minerals become one medicine.)

Homeopathy and the Elements, by Jan Scholten, MD (This seminal book describes the elemental table used in chemistry and how each of these elements can be used in homeopathy.)

Wonderful Plants.  by Jan Scholten, MD (This is Scholten’s seminal work on the plant family remedies.)

Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy: ASD, PANDAS/PANS, Lyme, ADHD, and More.  by Angelica Lemke, ND (a truly excellent book for serious students and practitioners of homeopathy who want to treat these complex health conditions that children experience; this book discussed both the “classic” homeopathic medicines as well as many of the newer ones!)