April, 2020
SUMMARY (by Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH)
A group of 24 Italian medical doctors with an additional specialization in homeopathic medicines treated 50 patients with diagnosed or highly probable cases of COVID-19. Patients were prescribed a single individually selected homeopathic medicine based on each patient’s unique syndrome of symptoms, as per the homeopathic methodology. A review of 26 countries hospitalization rates for patients with COVID-19 is 32%. In Italy, the hospitalization rate is 20.4%, and the rate of patients in intensive care units is 18.7%. A listing of each homeopathic medicine prescribed is listed in this report. This study of 50 patients treated with homeopathic medicines found that their hospitalization rate was zero.
Below are excerpts from this report. Here is a link to the full report.
On the initiative of SIMO – Italian Society of Homeopathic Medicine (www.omeomed.net), a working group of homeopathic physicians and independent researchers began in January 2020 to collect documentation to prepare for the prevention and treatment of patients with COVID-19, which was immediately considered a very serious threat to public health.
The level of hospitalization is one of the key factors in assessing the ability of the health care system to respond to the epidemic. The recent ECDC report states: “Hospitalization occurred in 32% (48 755 of 152 375) of cases reported from 26 countries”(9)
In Italy, the bulletin on the Covid-19 epidemic of March 30, 2020 produced by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità writes: “Information on the place of treatment is available for 88,257 cases (about 70.8% of total cases). Currently 18,047 cases (20.4%) are hospitalized and of these 2,734 (18.7%) are hospitalized in intensive care”.(10)
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of hospitalization of Covid-19 patients treated by doctors with additional expertise in homeopathy.
From 25 February to 7 April 2020 we collected 50 symptomatic case reports in home isolation, positive or probable COVID-19, followed by the family doctor and, since the patients requested it, also by a physician expert in homeopathy. The patients were in isolation in different Italian locations.
The classification to which this study adheres is the 16sixth WHO classification which is the basis of the classifications of the various Ministries of Health. It divides patients, compared to the diagnosis of COVID-19, into “suspected”, “probable” and “confirmed” cases. Confirmed cases are those found positive to the nucleic acid enlargement method, usually by pharyngeal buffer. Since in the Italian epidemic emergency it is not possible to perform swabs in all suspected cases – and this leads to diagnostic uncertainties -, in order to try to increase diagnostic accuracy we have chosen to qualitatively implement the WHO guidelines with clinical and anamnestic parameters (see below).
The clinical records we considered includes 10 confirmed symptomatic patients for COVID-19 and 40 probable symptomatic patients semasiologically similar to the previous ones.
A total of 24 homeopaths were involved. They are clinicians with extensive experience in homeopathy and are all registered in the lists of homeopathic medical experts with the respective Orders of Physicians and Surgeons. Each doctor involved in the project was required to send all consecutive cases under treatment, whatever the outcome of the treatment implemented.
We publish the results of the 50 individual cases received corresponding to the inclusion criteria, evaluated at the end of the treatment without waiting for a further follow-up.
The 50 cases examined consisted of 29 females and 20 males (in one case the gender was not specified).
In the 4 pediatric cases (years 6-9), the average age was 6.75 years; their course lasted on average10 days (from 3 to 17).
In adulthood (the cases observed were between 22 and 79 years old), the average age was 49.47 years; their course (varying from 4 to 34 days) was 14.09 days on average
In each individual case only one single-component homeopathic medicinal product has been diagnosed and prescribed at a time with only one potency, chosen individually according to the symptoms presented.
During the same homeopathic treatment a single medicine (50% of cases) was used, i.e. a sequence of 2 to 6 different medicines and specifically: 2 remedies (32%), 3 remedies (10%), 6 remedies (4%), 4 remedies (2%), 5 remedies (2%).
The prescribed medications were, in order of frequency: Bryonia alba (21 times); Arsenicum Album(16 times); Phosphorus flavus(9 times); Atropa belladonna (6 times); Antimonium tartaricum (6 times); Eupatorium perfoliatum (4 times); Phosphoricum acidum (3 times); unspecified patient’s basic remedy (3 times); Lycopodium clavatum(3 times); Sulphur (3 times); Hepar sulphur. (2 times); Kalium phosphoricum (2 times); Gelsemium sempervirens(2 times); Mercurius solubilis, Chelidomum majus, Spigelia anthelmia, Solanum dulcamara, Psorinum, Spongia tosta, Ferrum phosphoricum, Ruta graveolens, Causticum hahnemanni, Thuya occidentalis, Streptococcinum, Ignatia amara (once each).
No adverse events were observed during homeopathic treatments. An overall recovery of patients at resolution of specific symptoms has been commonly observed.
All patients were symptomatic and classified as COVID positive or highly probable; they were all treated homeopathically in extra-hospital home isolation regimen. Under no circumstances, given the favorable clinical trend, was hospitalization necessary.
The hospitalization rate in this group of 50 patients treated homeopathically for COVID-19 was 0.
A much larger sample of homeopathically treated patients is required to begin assessing the effect of homeopathic treatment; a control group must also be set up.
It will also be important to have a long-term follow-up (indicatively 2 months) to verify the clinical course, as COVID-19 disease may present recurrences, beyond the well-known apparent critical remissions.
However, in the opinion of the authors, this study has provided interesting information and opened up prospects for study. The COVID-19 disease is extremely complex, so it is essential to combine the contributions of different medicines to increase clinical results, as is beginning to be demonstrated by the integration of allopathic medicine with traditional Chinese medicine: “Treatment practice of COVID-19 showed that early intervention of TCM is important way to improve cure rate, shorten the course of disease, delay disease progression and reduce mortality rate.”(24)
(9) ECDC_Rapid risk assessment: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: increased transmission in the EU/EEA and the UK – eighth update.
(10) Task Force COVID-19 of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Informatics Service, Istituto Superiore di Sanità. COVID-19 Epidemic, National Update: 30 March 2020. https://www.epicentro.iss.it/coronavirus/bollettino/Bollettino-sorveglianza-integrata-COVID-19_6-aprile-2020.pdf
(24) Ren JL, Zhang AH, Wang XJ. Traditional Chinese medicine for COVID-19 treatment. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Mar 4;155:104743. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104743. [Epub ahead of print] Erratum in: Pharmacol Res. 2020 Mar 25;:104768. PubMed PMID: 32145402
Just a small correction – 2,734 patients in intensive care represents 15.1% of 18,074 hospitalized patients, not 18.7%. In any case, we would therefore expect 10.2 patients of the 50 under study (20.4%) to require hospitalization, and 7.6 (15.1%) to require intensive care. I say this because the N is so low, and the study will likely be given little credence as a result, but an acceptable inference can be made even of this small subject sample based on the expected percentages. And yet, zero patients required either hospitalization or intensive care. Let’s all work to get the word out as more evidence supporting homeopathy comes out from Cuba and India.
Robin…it seems that you are RIGHT…and that the authors had a minor miscalculation. I am not the author of this report, only a reporter about it, though I did write the summary of this report to provide user-friendly information for the public.
No worries, Dana. I only pointed it out because we are such targets, that if we get (or repeat) a miscalculation on something that doesn’t even have huge bearing on the point being made, we will be accused if inaccuracy in other areas as well.
Hi everyone. Good to see accuracies pinpointed because yes, we are targets. What I like most and does not seem to be pointed out is that this is the first real time study freely available that I have seen which has been undertaken using homeopathic principles rather than a one-size-fits-all usual method which is doomed to fail. Researchers will not accept that we must choose individual remedies and as I was informed by one, ‘Your modality does not have the propensity to cause injury or harm, therefore it cannot be taken seriously as a form of medicine.’ Having worked in pharmaceutical research for a time, I never thought I would see the day when we just might be able to show how it meant to be done, with best outcomes!
It would have been helpful if they had specified if the treatment of patients was exclusively homeopathic. Also the report cannot say definitively that it was 50 Covid19 patients when 40 were only suspected or probable. To be maximally credible we cannot overlook the details which skeptics will pick up on and use to discredit homeopathic studies and research. It’s a useful study, but with its limitations, it is only a start. As an acupuncturist I am a member of several FB TCM groups and a very extensive herbal and acupuncture based TCM protocol was published very early on for the TCM treatment of Covid 19. Although not trained in the herbal side of TCM, what interested me, was that they used in its herbal form ACONITE. But I do not see aconite listed in this study, perhaps because by the time the homeopathic physicians got to see and asses the patients the ‘time window’ and early symptoms for use of aconite had been and gone? (Now I am not a homeopathic prescriber so my expertise in that regard is zilch, however I did complete the British Institute of Homeopathy Diploma course in 2009 after having used homeopathy as a family home remedy since 1981, and as a treatment for TB in 1989 under the care of a NHS homeopathic consultant Professor Ghosh)
Also, the TCM medics said it was a particularly STICKY mucous which was being being produced in the lungs and it was clogging up the alveoli like a glue, and that was why it was a dry cough. it wasnt a dry cough from lack of mucous. So, from reading in Boericke what is said under respiration, I’d personally opt for arsen alb (also, made worse lying on back) rather than bryonia if necessary. Also covid 19 causes sepsis which also is an indicator for arsen alb
Yes, your observation is correct here. And, it is also important to know if you would prescribe this on a tonic basis or pathic basis. In which case both remedies could be prescribed simultaneously if appropriate.
I have been actively taking prescribed pharmaceutical drugs for 30 years daily
I year ago when I was referred and received a physiatrist . I explained to him that I had actually experienced lactating and it was witnessed by my husband so I stopped taking the prescribed medication. He giggled and said “we’ll that was stupid “ at that I lost all respect for the medical profession. I couldn’t afford a lot of what the doctors wanted me to take and have always practiced diet sleep and exercise observation. If I hadn’t taken a stand and said no who knows what other negative side affects I would be suffering with today. This was not the only incident and I don’t believe the medical profession is willing to LISTEN.
It seems after reading full article and comments of different professionals that up to some extent homeopathy system may be helpful.
Since it has no side effect one can try for Covid 19 treatment.
I appreciate the work done by the homeopaths of Italy.
I did a small calculation based on the figure provided in the post. I used the probability of hospitalization (20.4) to calculate the probability of 10 confirmed COVID patients in your group for hospitalization. I used binomial distribution to calculate the probability. The probability of all ten to hospitalized is 2.014E-07. The value is almost zero. Hence it is unlikely that Homeopathy has prevented hospitalization.
Currently, from my Family Medicine Unit in Mexico, I have 18 patients undergoing treatment with Arsenicum + Bryonia, they have evolved satisfactorily, while the patients who only took acetaminophen and cough syrups continue with the same symptoms, each patient I can suggest taking homeopathy.
Thanks so much. PLEASE let those in the usa know where INTERNATIONALLY we can support Homeopathy? Also where to buy the remedies outside of the usa .? The FDA in the usa currently is presenting some drawbacks to being able to get the remedies which is SOOO unfortunate. PERHAPS you can get in touch with pacifanetwork.org to give out info. THEY do alternative radio and health shows. And they have Corona Virus Resources listed. Perhaps your site can be listed? An interview can be done? etc.
WE NEED TO KNOW THAT WORKING PEOPLE can afford to heal from the virus. We do NOT have free medical treatment or testing in usa.
Dear Lupe Family,
Please note that our company sends homeopathic medicines all over the world, except to a handful of countries that do not allow medicines to be imported without a doctor’s prescription.
Secondly, our owner, DANA ULLMAN, MPH, CCH, was a featured guest on Berkeley’s KPFA radio station, which is a part of the Pacifica Network of radio stations. You can listen to it here:
I have been using homeopathic medications for over 8 yrs personally and they have never failed me. I am not an expert by any means but over and over its workings make sense and no side effects.
I applaud this type of intervention, seemingly gagged by TPTB. Come forward now, homeopaths, we need you for Covid and a whole litany of other diseases, often with standard medications violating the immune system until it has nothing left but the lament of loved ones and uninformed communities trusting medical protocols to have entered the 21st century. Do no harm or move aside.
I find this very heartening. Having long experience of homeopathy under several exceptional practitioners, highly qualified, I am so relieved to know that such work has. Been done to display ability to cope with covid 19.
This is very encouraging. Looking forward to the publication of more studies. Keep up the great work!
I am studying homeopathic medicine for last 30 years
I am an engineer by profession
But I turned my attention to homeopathic medicine as to treat sick and accidents patients on the remote construction sites. There are some wonderful results.
During Covid 19 fear in last three months Arsenic Alb 30 has worked wonders.
This is not good. Homeopathy founder was able to identify a genus epidemicus and cure large numbers. This thinking that everyone needs individualised treatment is purely exploitative, a scam perpetuated by classical homeopaths who wants to milk the population for money. The virus is the same, the symptoms are near identical. This there can only be very minor difference between patients as far as the symptoms are concerned. A genus epidemicus can be identified and it already has been. It’s Camphora 1M.
Hmmm…please tell us how many people with Covid19 that you have personally treated with Camphora. I can tell you that I’ve talked and written to dozens of homeopaths, several of whom have treated hundreds of Covid19 patients, and there is 100% agreement that there is no one remedy that fits everyone for every stage of this disease. This is NOT a conspiracy of “classical homeopaths,” and in fact, I laughed when I read that you actually wrote that, even though it was both funny and sad. That said, I’m always willing to learn from every person’s experience. Please tell us how many people with Covid19 you have personally treated (let’s stay away from theories). If we don’t hear from you, then I’ll assume that it is none and will then delete your original comment. What can you say?
Homeopathy seems to have more than one school or prescribing medicines. Some give only a single doze, some give this as a 200 C, some as 1 M or some given LM potencies. Some give individualised treatments based on symptoms, some give individualised treatment based on miasms and constitutions, some give 2-3 medicines based on current prevailing symptoms. in this epidemic too different approaches seem to be getting used. I think depending on the school of thought the doctor is trained in, it mostly also works. Also as the virus is mutating, and because its an aggressive infection, i understand that doctors are using a combination of a genus epidemic approach and also individualised treatment., because the case sometimes needs that one homeopathic medicine is given, then the symptoms shift and a new one has to be given and then slowly after 2-3 times the disease finally begins to subside. This is what i have gathered from reading in different places over the months. also coz there are varinats of the virus, we cant really have only one genus epidemicus i guess… I am only a homeopathic patient since the last 25 years … and know from experience that a good quality homeopath (and not all fall in that category) can treat many difficult diseases.
I am not a Doctor but I am successfully using homeopathy since long time and found Allopathic medicines useless except the vitamins. Happy that Homeopaths are treating Covid patients.Allopathy cannot handle Covid19.Request to Homeopaths to conduct Large patient Trials and save Human Lives and show that Homeopathy is best
I am searching for homeopathy medicines for covid19. I am pretty sure there is many that will work but I am shocked to see no mention. No google results show up. This is the only thing that I found is close to a “treatment”.
Why is homeopathy world quiet? Have they also started to believe the propaganda or Randy James and that this is just placebo effect?
Sadly, Google is blocking and censoring too much information about alternatives for Covid. I suggest that you use a different search engine, such as Duck Duck Go which doesn’t censor such information.
Homeopathic.com /Ialian MDs study. https://homeopathic.com/italian-mds-study-results-on-homeopathic-treatment-of-50-covid-19-patients-none-of-whom-needed-hospitalization/?unapproved=36576&moderation-hash=2de3e2dc7b978854cacc2b2575e54c70#comment-36576
I note that India has a history older than the discovery of homeopathic in Germany 200 years ago. The Indian history utilized mind control through meditation.
Mind over matter can be practiced at any time by skilled learned persons.
In this Homeopathic conversation there are two positive comments by Indian descendants, Deepak Muchrikar and Sandeep Sar. I liked this report on covid and homeopathic. I liked that part of it was peer reviewed.
The history of the Human race is beautifully outlined in the book by Yuval Noah I especially like the chapter starting. on page 45 of The Original Affluent Society. The book nicely outlines and fills in the details of how early man learned to cope with his environment through trial and error, thought as well as constant experimentation.
I especially like the chapter starting. on page 45 of The Original Affluent Society.
I wrote a letter to the NYTimes stating my concern that the medical association whose doctors I was told are educated partly by the Pharmaceutical Corporation. This is frightening, medical insurance aside, because the only insurance we really need is the freedom of information concerning healing that has been known and practiced for eons of time. I mentioned that there are preventive remedies such as the homeopathic Thynuline, without mentioning any names of homeopaths. That would be improper and a liability, a breach of conduct. I only mentioned Thumuline which is found freely online in other websites.
I wrote the Times about nutrition, the elimination of sugar from our diets, adhering to fresh vegetables and fruits, meats, and leafy. Vegetables not currently taught in basic nutrition In public school. The NY Times is considering publishing my letter. It would help if more people wrote letters art this time to newspapers on the same subject. Open up reality beyond political. opinions.
Each new discovery is subject to peer review so a historical connection can be made. I read that in the early 1900’s homeopathic hospitals and naturopathic hospitals were in place in the USA.
The change came about when two influential and wealthy families, the Carnegies and the Rockefeller’s convinced Congress that chemical medicine would be better. At that point all parts of health could have been preserved were it not for the influence of money. The money influence is what is going to guide our futures now with chemically made vaccines.
I would appreciate a full report on how vaccination was a finding at the time homeopathy was invented. The only difference is that the homeopathic vaccines have no substance due to distillation down to the molecular level of the initial substances, plant, mineral and animal, under the theory of like cures like. In the upcoming vaccines, the original virus will be part of the vaccine, rendering it dangerous on many levels. I hope we still have free speech so I can post this on Huffpost or. USA Today.
I have been a Homeopath for my 54 yrs. as was my parents. Two weeks ago my daughter tested positive. I treated her symptoms as if she was coming down with a cold, starting with aconitum. Moved to bryonia and gelsemium and thru in some rhus tox for her achey bones. Next, my husband, myself and my other two kids tested positive. I made individual water glasses with individual remedies for each. Bryonia and arsenicum being the dominant remedies. Depression was also a big symptom( a little ignatia was helpful). All in all we are all doing extremely well. The only remaining symptom is a small cough. We are careful not to overdo it so we can fully recover and get back to our normal routines. I believe without homeopathy we would not have escaped so lightly. Another thing to note is that it was a variant that we were experiencing.
The wide-spread use of antibiotics in allopathic hospitals and clinics result in the destruction of the host body’s natural auto-immune system. Such leads to making such individuals more and more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections. The Coronavirus species of viral infectious agents are non-responsive to antibiotic treatments due to fact that such antibiotic medicines are incapable of treating viral infections. When a viral infection is left untreated in a host body that is unable to produce sufficient levels of auto-immune defensive responses to such viral infectious attacks, the disease advances to the stage of deadly consequences including the onset of Pneumonia whereupon the use of ventilator support is often imposed upon the patient to keep them from having respiratory failure (a condition that causes death of the patient without ventilator intervention). Ventilators cause Pneumonia to worsen in many cases and many patients are un-weanable from requiring ventilation support. When Pneumonia is left untreated, septic consequences and multiple organ failures result. Antibiotic therapies, utilized during such conditions result most often in C-Diff, MRSA, and other bacterially resistant strains that require the patient to be placed in isolation rooms, and when such therapies are increased in strength, toxicity and fatal results such as Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation accompanied with Jaundice are the typical sad results of Allopathic methodologies directed toward COVID-19. With all that said, Homoeopathy is the only effective manner of treatment, under the care of a Classical Homoeopath, that results in the successful treatment of all forms of Viral Infections. There is also the helpful manner of taking pro-biotics and pre-biotics to strengthen the patient’s auto-immune system. Such is available through Feta Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kefir, and other foods rich in probiotic cultures. There is no question that Homoeopathic therapy is the indicated solution to the pandemic facing the world. It is important to recognize that Homoeopathic Journals, past and present, document the best diagnostic uses of the system of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy has no need of defending its efficacy for the treatment of all disease pathogens. We should all recognize that Homoeopathy is a proven system of therapy that works. Thereby, its practitioners must be on the offensive to point out the massive fraud committed on the public by the Allopathic methods, since such is wholly ineffective in the treatment of disease. The only support that Allopathy has is in the money machine created by medical insurance and a pharmaceutical industry bent on separating our hard earned funds from our wallets. Let this evil be put down and exposed once and for all!