Petadolex [#Q-PET]


A Proven Migraine AND Hayfever Remedy!


It IS both rare and unusual that a natural medicine is found to be effective for two very different conditions, but this IS the exception!

The product that WE sell is made by the company who funded this important research because this product is the most respected and reliable source for it!

This product has a body of scientific research that shows effectiveness for both migraine headaches and hayfever:
THE BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL 2002; 324:144 proves that PETADOLEX is as effective as Zrytec (by Pfizer) for seasonal allergies without the sedative side effects of OTC antihistamines. That’s fabulous!

Other studies published in highly respected scientific journals include: NEUROLOGY 2002; 58 (Suppl. 3): A472. This study proved that taking PETADOLEX three times daily for migraines reduced the use of acute prescriptions for migraine medication by 55%!

And in the respected journal, HEADACHE [2002; 42 (Nr. 5):322], this natural remedy showed that patients taking PETADOLEX three times daily achieved a 71% therapeutic responder rate. According to the International Headache Society guidelines, a therapy responder must have at least 50% reduction in attacks versus pre-treatment.

Studies have shown that patients experienced 42% fewer migaine attacks when they took 2 Gelcaps per day after 3 months of treatment…and 24% fewer attacks after just 1 month!

Children benefit too! Petadolex reduced migraine attack in children and adolescents (6 to 17 years of age) by 63%! (They used just 1 Gelcap per day).

Petadolex® GelCaps contains a standardized, high-potency, lipophilic extract of Petasites hybridus. For 25 years, this formulas has been prescribed by European practitioners, with no reported side effects.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 2 mg 118%
Butterbur (Petasites Hybridus) 50 mg
extract (root). Standardized for at least 7.5 mg of Petasin and Isopetasin

Although this remedy may seem expensive, it IS worth it…50 Gelcaps per bottle.

Product Effectiveness

What is Petadolex® Butterbur Gelcaps?
Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps are natural, non-prescription herbal supplement made from butterbur that has been proven to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
Will it completely eliminate my migraine headaches?
It may, but even if it does not eliminate them completely it has been proven to decrease migraine attacks by 62%, which is significant. In other words, you can expect a significant reduction in your migraine days. Also, the migraines you do get won’t be as painful or last as long.
Is butterbur as effective as prescription medications?
Its effectiveness is comparable to prescription medications. However, unlike prescription medications, butterbur is completely natural and does not produce any harmful side effects. Butterbur has also been found to be effective in patients who for years tried every medication and treatment option available without success.
Can I use Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps to treat my migraines, or is it only effective in preventing them?
Butterbur can treat migraine headaches when taken as soon as a headache develops. However, clinical testing has demonstrated Butterbur to be significantly more effective in preventing migraine headaches from occurring in the future.
If I follow your recommended regimen for taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps daily, how long will it be until I see results?
The average person needs to take Butterbur for two full months to see a significant decline in migraine headaches. However, some people may experience relief in as few as two weeks.
How is Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps different from other migraine products?
As previously mentioned, Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps differs in that it doesn’t just treat the migraine headache you have now; it helps prevent future migraine headaches from occurring. The International Headache Society (IHS) recommends that patients who suffer from two or more migraines per month be offered a migraine/headache prophylactic, like butterbur.

Product Development & History

Where was Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps developed?
It was developed in Inning, Germany in the 1970’s by Weber & Weber scientists.
How long has Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps been on the market?
Developed in Germany in the 1970’s, Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps has been used throughout Europe and Japan for more than 25 years. It is manufactured by Weber & Weber, a well-respected German pharmaceutical company in business since 1952. Petadolex was patented in the U.S. in 2003 and has been steadily gaining popularity here mostly due to physician referrals and articles about its effectiveness in respected medical journals like Neurology and Headache.
Where was Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps tested?
Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps have been tested in the United States, England, and Germany. In the most recent study, all migraine/headache patients taking Petadolex 75mg Gelcaps two times were able to reduce their migraine/headaches by at least 50% or more after just three months.
What does Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps consist of?
Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps is made from extracts of the butterbur plant, a medicinal plant long known for its muscle-relaxing, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving abilities, all of which have been verified by modern science.
What is butterbur?
It is an herb found in Europe and parts of North Africa and Asia. The plant grows in damp, marshy areas and along riverbanks with large heart-shaped leaves. The name butterbur comes from the reported ancient practice of using the leaves to wrap butter.

Product Safety

Do I need my doctor’s approval to take Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps?
Because Petadolex is an herbal supplement, you don’t need a prescription. However, if you are taking other medications and/or are under the care of a doctor for your migraine headaches, you may want to check with your doctor.
Are Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps safe?
It is considered a well-tolerated treatment for migraine prevention. Generally, Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps are as safe or safer than all over-the-counter products available in your local pharmacy.
I understand that Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps is made from the butterbur plant as are many other herbal supplements. Are all butterbur remedies the same, or are some better or safer than others?

No! Not all butterbur remedies are the same, and not all of them are safe. Here’s why: The butterbur plant in its natural state contains pyrrolizidin alkaloids (PA’s) which may cause liver cancer. However, Weber & Weber has developed a patented method for extracting the beneficial ingredients of the Butterbur plant without the PA’s. It guarantees that its product is free of all detectable PA’s.

Furthermore, while in the U.S. the Food and Drug Administration does not subject dietary supplements like Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps to strict registration procedures, in Germany, where Petadolex is manufactured, the special butterbur root extract is considered a medication and falls under strict regulation by health authorities. Therefore, Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps must be produced so that it is 100% PA-free = 0.01 mug per day.
What are the reported side effects of using Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps?
There are more than one million patients worldwide who have used Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps, of which 153,000 are in the U.S. No side effects have ever been reported in the U.S. However, in Germany where approximately 750,000 patients have used it, a total of 75 reports of suspected adverse reactions from Germany have been documented. This represents a frequency of suspected adverse reactions of as low as 0.0000882%.
Are there any problems with Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps if I’m taking other medications at the same time?
No. Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps does not cause any drug interactions. Weber & Weber has been closely monitoring use of Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps in Germany for the past 28 years when it was first made available. With over 750,000 people who have taken Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps in that country, there has not been a single drug-to-drug interaction reported.
Is there anyone who shouldn’t take Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps?
If you are pregnant, nursing a baby or have liver disease, you should consult with your doctor before taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps or any other over-the-counter product.
Is Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps safe for children suffering from migraines?

Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps can help children who suffer from migraines, but it is best used under a doctor’s care. In a recently published study, 108 children between the ages of 6 and 17 were tested using either Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps or placebo. Children between the ages of 6 and 9 received one 50mg Petadolex Butterbur Gelcap while children 10 years and older received Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps 50mg two times.

After a four-month period 88% of the 6-9 year old children and 74% of the 10-17 year old children reported a reduction in the frequency of migraine headache attacks of at least 50%. There were only eight reported side effects, including three cases of belching, one case of nausea, and one case of stomach-ache.
Are there any symptoms that I should be aware of when taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps?
If you know that your stomach is easily upset, consider taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps with food. However, if when taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps you experience persistent upper right abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or jaundice, you may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Stop taking Petadolex and immediately consult a physician.

Product Dosage

In what form does Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps come?
It comes in 50 mg. gelcaps which are easy to swallow.
What is the dosage?

1. Adults should take one gelcap three times daily with meals for four weeks. Thereafter, take one gelcap twice daily.

Adequate treatment duration of any prophylactic substance is important because clinical benefits may not become apparent for 2 to 3 months.
As such, butterbur should be used at least for several months. After a period “free of migraines” consideration can be given to tapering or discontinuing the substance.

2. Children 10 to 12 years old take one gelcap twice daily with meals or as directed by a health care professional. This regime should be consistent for four to six months.

Children 6 to 9 years of age take one Petadolex Butterbur Gelcap daily
Adolescents 10 to 17 years old take one Petadolex Butterbur Gelcap twice daily.

The key to Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps is prevention. By consistently taking Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps on a daily basis, maximum results can be seen in as few as four weeks. During these early weeks the preventive power of Petadolex Butterbur Gelcaps builds in your system. The resulting relief is worth the wait!


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