Sankaran’s Plant Sensations in Pictures by RAJAN SANKARAN [#SAN-SAN]


By Rajan Sankaran and Sandra Petri



Sankaran’s Plant Sensations in Pictures with Source Words

Foreword by Rajan Sankaran:

It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to this book. Initially when Sandra Petri approached me with her manuscript I felt that this would be a useful addition to the books on sensation since it gives a visual impression of the sensation of the various plant families. As they say ‘One picture is worth a thousand words’. I felt that Sandra Petri’s visual representations to be aligned to my experience of the families. I also like the idea of the whole book being sort of informal or more at an artistic level rather than something very structured or formal. I believe this also is in the spirit of the plant kingdom. We therefore felt that it is best to preserve the originality of the work including the handwriting rather than use formal typesetting.

This book is offered to the students and practitioners of homeopathy with the trust that it will further help in getting not only the words of each family but an actual live experience by a look at the illustrations.

The best way of using the book would be to not only look at the pictures or the drawings but to put oneself in that position and observe one’s experience of it. This book is also offered with the injunction that it should not be used as a shortcut but only as a synopsis after having studied the more comprehensive works on the plant families which are the content of the books An Insight into Plants (Volume 1, 2, & 3), and after a good grasp of the entire concept of the sensation as delineated in my earlier works namely The Sensation in Homeopathy, Sensation Refined and The Other Song.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Rajan Sankaran 2

Introduction 3

Key/Bibliography 4

Index 5


Anacardiaceae 9

Apocynaceae 10

Araceae 11

Berberidaceae 12

Cactaceae 13

Carnivorous Plants/Nepenthales 14

Compositae/Asteraceae 15

Coniferae 16

Cruciferae/Brassicaceae 17

Dioscoreaceae 18

Ericaceae 19

Euphorbiaceae 20

Fungi (Kingdom) 21

Geraniales 22

Hamamelidae 23

Labiatae 24

Leguminosae 25

Liliiflorae 26

Loganiaceae 27

Magnolianae 28

Malvales 29

Nepenthales/Carnivorous Plants 14

Papaveraceae 30

Piperaceae 31

Poaceae 32

Primulaceae 33

Ranunculaceae 34

Rosaceae 35

Rubiaceae 36

Rutaceae 37

Scrophulariaceae 38

Solanaceae 39

Theales 40

Umbelliferae 41

Violales 42


Spiral Bound Paperback

ISBN 978-93-80355-81-8

First Edition: 2011

42 Pages


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