A thought-provoking and empowering book full of information for women and for those who love and care for them.
Melissa says, “Our self image is a major factor in determining our internal health, but before we can feel good about ourselves we need to unlearn the falsehoods of our culture.” She demonstrates the importance of strong and powerful older women in our society, using myth, and archaeological evidence, poetry, and remedy pictures. She reveals how hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as a strategy for treating women is a continuum from the past.
Melissa shares her personal perceptions, learned crone wisdom and insights as an experienced homeopathic practitioner. Among the innovative remedy pictures are Sepia, Cimicifuga, Folliculinum, Lachesis, Arsenicum, Helonius, and Senecio.
Melissa’s interests in homeopathy reflect her passion for a better world. She feels that without strong women there will be no future.
Table of contents:
Introduction: Menopause as Development 1-5
Ch.1 – Our Herstory 6-19
The Importance of Grandmothers and Spinsters 8
A Message from an Ancient Elder-Mother 9-12
1. Senecio Aureus – Liferoot 13-14
2. Achillea Millefolium-Yarrow 15
3. Althaea Rosea – Hollyhock 16
4. Ephedra Vulgaris – Desert Tea 17
5. Centaurea Solstitial – St. Barnaby’s Thistle 18
6. Muscari Atlanticum/racemosum – Grape Hyacinth 18
A Signal 19
Ch.2 – From Goddess to Witch 20-38
Woman as Wise Priest 21
Snakes and Spirals 22-23
Lachesis – Lachesis Muta 24-29
Elder – Woman as Teachers 30-35
Aconite 36-38
Ch.3 – Butchers, Barbers, Leechers, Lancers 39-53
Hysteria 44-45
Enter the Mind Experts 46
Cimicifuga 47-51
More Head Trips 52-53
Ch.4 – Hormones 54-83
Hormone Replacement Therapy 55-56
HRT: A Dangerous Path 57-59
Cancer Risks 60
Adding Progestegens 61-63
DES 64
Administering HRT 65-66
Withdrawal 67
The Natural Myth 68
Folliculinum 69-83
Ch.5 – Them Bones Them Bones Them Dry Bones 84-97
Known Causes of Osteoporosis 86-88
Calcium Supplementation 89
Excercise 90
A Tirade 91-92
Sepia 93-97
Ch.6 – Scary Things 98-115
The Scared Womb 99-101
Fibroids (Myomas) 102-105
Diet 104
Therapeutic Fibroid Remedies 104-105
Aur Mur Natrum 104
Calc Carb 104
Fraxinus Americanus 104
Kali Brom 104
Lapis Albus 105
Sabina 105
Prolapse 105-106
Arnica 105
Belladonna 105
Lappa Arcticum 105
Lillium Tigrinum 105
Murex Brandaris 105
Nux Vomica 106
Palladium 106
Sepia 106
Stannum 106
Sulphur 106
Some Remedies Focusing on the Cervix 106
Calendula 106
Hydrastis 106
Medorrhinum 106
Sulphuric Acid 106
Sanguinaria Canadensis 106
Ustilago 106
Some Haemorrhage Remedies 107-108
Aletris Farinosa 107
Belladonna 107
Crotalus Horridus 107
Elaps Corallinus 107
Erigeron 107
Ferrum Metallicum 107
Helonias 107
Ipecacuanha 108
Lachesis 108
Millefolium 108
Phosphorus 108
Secale 108
Sabina 108
Ustilago 108
Some Uterine Strengtheners 109-111
Caulophyllum 109
Helonius 109-110
Ratanhia 111
Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris 111
Less Scary Stuff 111-115
Ch.7 – Wisening Women Arise 116-126
Journey Home 119-120
Crone Women 121
Spider Women 122
Arsenicum – The White Death Goddess 122-126
Poem: Ripening Women 127
References 128-129
Author: Melissa Assilem
129 pages
Published in 2010
Printed in United Kingdom
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