By Dana Ullman MPH


Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants, by Dana Ullman, MPH (This is the best book on homeopathic pediatrics.)

  • Ritalin-Free Kids, by Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW, and Robert Ullman, ND (This is not primarily a how-to book as it is a good book that describes why homeopathy is so successful in treating these children and what medicines they use to do so.)
  • Rage-Free Kids, by Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, MSW and Robert Ullman, ND.  (This is not primarily a how-to book as it is a good book that describes why homeopathy is so successful in treating these children and what medicines they use to do so.)
  • The Homeopathic Treatment of Children: Pediatric Constitutional Types, by Paul Herscu, ND, DHANP (This is a great book that discusses the nine leading homeopathic “constitutional” types in children.)
  • Healing Complex Children with Homeopathy: ASD, PANDAS/PANS, Lyme, ADHD, and More.  by Angelica Lemke, ND (a truly excellent book for serious students and practitioners of homeopathy who want to treat these complex health conditions that children experience; this book discussed both the “classic” homeopathic medicines as well as many of the newer ones!)
  • Autism: Beyond Despair–CEASE Therapy.  Tinus Smits, MD (A Dutch MD/homeopath gives a practical protocol to treating children on the autistic spectrum)
  • Children’s Types: 56 Constitutional Remedies.  Dr. Frans Kusse (This book describes 56 homeopathic medicines and their bodymind typology…useful for practitioners AND parents!)
  • The Parent’s Guide to Homeopathy.  Shelley Keneipp has written a very practical guide to family health.