Stephen Cummings, MD & Dana Ullman, MPH
Sale!Donald Hamilton, DVM -- The BEST book on cat and dog health around!
Sale!Asa Hershoff, ND, DC
Sale!Dana Ullman, MPH
Sale!by Begabati Lennihan RN, CCH; Margo Roman DVM and Shirley Moore Top tips for healthy animal care, from a pioneering holistic vet and a holistic animal shelter director.
Sale!By Shelley Keneipp, MH, DiHom
Sale!Jane Cicchetti, RSHom
Sale!Peter Chappell, RSHom
Sale!Thomas Kruzel, ND
Sale!Richard Moskowitz, MD
Sale!• Comprehensively examines what homeopathy is and places the practice within the larger framework of energy medicine and microdose effects • Lays out the principles and origins of homeopathy, explaining its discovery and development by Samuel Hahnemann • Explores the rise and fall and current rise in popularity of homeopathy over the years and its resonance during the COVID-19 pandemic